Today is the Alpha Review. On the last post, I had four main goals to accomplish for alpha, out of those the only one that I wasn't able to finish is adding sound. The good news is that my Sphereman is now playing and the motions look great, at first I was having problems with the frame rate, it seemed to drop a lot. But after rearranging some of the code to make sure all the motions are preloaded before the game starts the frame rate problem was fixed. I also generated about five different walls, one of the walls doesn't have a hole. That was to make sure I can show the collisions no matter what. Finally, I put in some screen overlays for the beginning of the game and one the player collides. I still to add the lives and the score but the Overlay system is already in place.
After the alpha review my to-dos are:
- Polish the game (add score, sound, etc )
- Work on the interactive controller, which should be the bulk of the work from now on.
Overall I am happy on where I am at the alpha stage. My main goal was to have something that could potentially be played, i.e. a rough version of the game, so I can focus my energy on getting the interactive controller.
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